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Sign in before you join group purchase. If you don’t have an account of, please click the button on the right to register, and then you will go to the registration page. You can also join group purchase first and then the system will automatically help you register to be a member of
Select the product you like, click the button “Buy”, and then you will go to the page for transport mode.
We are now supporting Air Mail, Air Mail with Tracking Number. It usually takes 10 to 20 working days if you select Air Mail or Air Mail with Tracking Number. Air Mail doesn't support real-time tracking of transportation status. It's highly recommended to use Air Mail with Tracking Number because it's not only cheap but also supports online tracking of transportation status.
Group purchase only supports PayPal which accepts real-time payments of Credit Cards. PayPal is fast, safe and reliable as the most common online payment method in the world.We would send your order to PayPal shipping address.
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